It’s great to get home with a big bag of fresh produce from Just Farmin’ but if you’re like me you need a little help in planning your meals to use it all up best. CSA Member Cricket cooked up some great meals recently and shared photos with us – but sadly not a dinner invitation!
Her recipes are adapted from Cook’s Illustrated Vegetables Illustrated cookbook. and also from A Chef’s Kitchen. We don’t want to break any copyright laws so you’ll have to get your hands on those books yourself. Let’s show you some pictures though and give you some links to similar recipes so you can use YOUR farm share to cook up some great meals for your family this week.
Stewed Black-Eyed Peas and Mustard Greens on Rice
From Cooks Country here’s a recipe for black eyed peas and greens
Budget Bytes gives some ideas for slow simmered black eyed peas uses mustard greens in their recipe.
Spicy Chickpeas and Turnips AND Carrot-Radish Slaw with Scallions
Chickpeas with Turnips
From Fat Free Vegan
From All Recipes
A Few Radish Slaw recipes
Fr0m Eating Well
From Boston Organics
Turnip Greens with Almonds and Raisins AND Radish Greens Pesto on Spaghetti Noodles
Turnip Greens with Almonds and Raisins
From Food Network
From Epicurious
Radish Greens Pesto
From a Chef’s Kitchen
From Food and Wine
Let us know what you’re cooking this week. We’d love your pictures and original recipes! We’ll post them to share. And we’ll post them even faster if you bring us a sample!
See you at the Farm.